Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Day 42 - Project #3

"I like feeling like I can touch what I wrote." - Jess


  1. I'm not kidding,

    today was the best day ever.

    I know this year didn't go perfectly, but it did.

    Today is what I had in mind with the projects.

    the art, the cellos, the dramatic scenes, the videos, the cookies, the books, the performances, the poetry, the Italian songs, the harps, the drawings, the blog posts, the visual poems, the makeup, the piano, everything.


    Good work.

  2. you guys made things and you were creative and you were brave and you were professionals and you were diverse and you were inspired

  3. Again, I know I seemed disappointed at times. But that's only because I had higher expectations for you guys than any of my other classes. And no, you weren't perfect. But neither was I.

    But holy crap. We did so much this year.

  4. And as much as I love my CW1 class, here's the difference.

    Today, they sat and watched my LAST LECTURE/ANYTHING ELSE lesson. I did all the work. I showed videos, I performed poems, I read excerpts. I did everything.

    But you guys did more work than I did today. I showed two videos (which were a lot of work...okay), but you took up the remaining 70+ minutes with stuff you did. Stuff you made.

    And that, my friends, is ADVANCED.

  5. Next time (Tuesday, 5/26 at 7:45am) we will be distributing the CLASS BOOK and having everyone sign each other's book. Please remember to pay your $5 to the finance office before then.

  6. I've never had a class where I have learned so much about myself from myself and everyone else. One semester ago, I would have never thought about standing in front of everyone and performing something I wrote. This may be the most successful class I've ever taken. Thank you Nelson for giving me this opportunity. Thank you class for each bringing a piece of the ship to build while we fly. This is a perfect analogy for this class.

  7. Thank you, Nelson. Thank you for giving meaning to my senior year, thank you for changing me for the better, thank you for being my teacher.

    This class was a sacrifice. I know I said I loved acting yesterday, and I do, more than anything, but I took this class instead of Productions, which is full all of my good friends and I chose to take CW2 instead. I don't regret it. Learning and living this class made a difference, and i know it will continue to once we are all gone.
