Friday, February 13, 2015

Day 12 - Mini-Slam #3

Valentine's Day Eve. Friday the 13th.

We shared Valentines, Roah broke our hearts (but he promised he'd be at the next one), E.J. read a dope poem, River dropped sick beats, and Madie/Olive tried out for class videographer/assistant. (Someone ask her to put the performances on YouTube or something.)

There were poems about colors and places. There were rough drafts. There were first time readers and repeat offenders. There was even a poem that had Humpty Dumpty as a girl.

Ethan Harris (, who made the Lone Peak We See You video, gave us an assignment:
  • write a poem about freedom/patriotism/dreams
  • film yourself reading it (nothing fancy, just SPEAK UP)
  • post it to your blog (due Monday)

Think of this as an audition. He is making a video for the Freedom Assembly next Friday, and he wants to use our slam poetry skills. So let's not let him down.

If we don't have at least 10 people post videos, I'm going to find another teacher to teach the class.


  1. Maybe do a group poem with someone else?

  2. I'm getting nervous. Maybe you guys are too busy, maybe you didn't have enough notice, maybe we'll never do anything interesting again.

    1. I've finished but I'm nervous it's not good enough what if i wrote about all the wrong things what if it's generic what if someone else wrote something way better what if I sound stupid this is the scariest thing you've asked us to do

    2. Ok i posted it but im really scared

  3. TRYING TO COME UP WITH SOMETHING AND ITS STRESSFUL. also if you leave the class there is no class

  4. SOS. this isn't due by midnight right??

  5. You guys have tomorrow too. It's due Monday.


    We're still going to die, you know. I learned it in church today. And I googled Abby N.'s dad. I don't know why.

  6. how long does this need to be I have like two lines I could contribute

  7. I have no idea. Ethan said he might combine parts of poems. (I actually think that would be cooler than to just have one person's poem.) So post what you have, I guess.

    1. Jokes me and Madeline are doing a tandem poem the world better watch out cause it's gonna rock
      Or not
      We're trying.
      Coming soon to theaters.

  8. Replies
    1. ug you're probably asleep did all that for nothing

    2. also we wrote this while snap chatting each other so everyone should be impressed

  9. Madeline, hailey, Jess, you guys are superstars.

    Abby, you left a comment here, so at least I know you're alive.

    That's 4 of you.

    Like I said, at least 10 or I'm leaving (I know this is starting to sound like an unhealthy marriage, but I'm just trying to threaten I mean motivate you, because I know this is a scary project with no real notice).

    1. STOP THREATENING THAT UGH. also Madeline is currently updating our post. We added more to the end and such.

    2. I can't wait.

      I'm taking the day off today!

      I can't wait.

    3. So I'm really proud of what jack and i wrote and i really want to be a part of doing this video but now I'm scared cause I think jess and madeline are onto something really amazing.


      This is scary

    4. did you post what you and jack did? i like the video you did of yourself, i like it a lot.

    5. wait i realized you guys wrote that together i struggle and im sorry

  10. Well I wasnt any part of this massive comment conversation but I posted a small something. Please don't get a new teacher nelson.

  11. These past couple days have felt like advanced cw. I don't know how we could do something like this again, but I think this is what it should feel like.

    1. Yeah, I agree.

      It's sad to think that there are only 6 people in advanced cw.

  12. Replies
    1. I haven't heard from him. Maybe he decided to go in another direction. Maybe he is just a figment of our imagination and he wasn't actually there on Friday, so you did all that work for nothing.

    2. Either way I think it was valuable for us to do.

  13. I just saw this and I feel bad and sad and I'm sorry I didn't do it I was in a foreign state and laptop-less :(
    plz don't hate me i like this class i swear DON'T LEAVE

  14. I'm not even in this stupid class but I just read all 38 comments in class and laughed out loud a few times thanks for the entertainment. Poetry over everything amirite

  15. Wait idk how but this whole thing gave me an idea for a new poem and it isn't about freedom

    1. Dear Tara,

      Some of these students are getting JACK out of creative writing 2. I think this class might have started one year too late. You (and your homies) were supposed to be in the class. You were supposed to be in the class. You were supposed to be in the class.

      (I know I'm being rude...but that's okay...because the people who I'm talking about will NEVER see this comment.)

      (Code: if you read this, I'm not talking about you....)


