Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Day 15 - And the nominees are

We came up with awards for Thursday's Awards Show.

We wished Tanner J. a happy birthday.

We celebrated Micah's poetry slam experience.

We listened to a new song by Mat Kearney and his process for making it. 



  1. Okay. So I guess we're calling the awards THE NELSONS.

  2. You can still cast your ballot if you haven't yet. See the link on the right under today's class.

  3. Everybody dress up. As classy as you can. These are The Nelsons, you know.

  4. I will be providing the red carpet. (Well, paper.)

  5. Those who volunteered to perform live music:
    John and Hannah

  6. I will perform an opening number with Natalie and Mccall as backup dancers.

  7. We need seat fillers. Maybe not.

  8. Annie and Natty will make 35 Nelson awards to hand out.

  9. Someone said they would bring drinks? Martinellis or something?

  10. What else do we need? (Holy crap...aren't we already doing enough?)

  11. These are more for me (extra award options):
    best taste in music, most likely to teach cw, most likely to move to paris, best reveal blog post, disney channel, most resilient.

    1. I like the best taste in music one, and the most likely to teach CW.

    2. I like the taste in music as well, and the most likely to teach CW and best reveal.

  12. Update: everyone is calling it the "noscars". Should we go "noscars"

  13. I can bring cookies or something we can't have our esteemed guests going hungry

  14. Wait question: why isn't like my new blog posts showing up on the right bar thingy???

  15. Holy crap. These awards are going to take awhile. For a bunch of categories it looks like this: m gets 3, j gets 3, s gets 3, m gets 2, a gets 2, j gets 2, and so on. That just shows how much talent we have in the class. Everyone got nominated for a bunch of stuff.

  16. I started working on the opening song. I wrote about 8 lines to the Oscars theme. I sang it to my wife and she thought it was cheesy.

    1. We'll have to keep things going. Maybe it will go a little long?? Idk if everyone will be okay with that.

      Also i can't wait to hear this song. Cheesy is a key element to the Noscars, so it sounds perfect.

      Does anyone think these sound a little like the Dundies from the Office??

    2. I'm going to watch that episode tonight to get ideas.

      Does that mean River is Dwight? (Wasn't he the DJ?)

  17. Sara and I just picked our dresses to wear. Now we're baking macaroons for the class. We're really excited.

    1. Why are you guys so cute ah I love it

    2. Sounds like we need to come up with some new awards for some of you.

  18. So I have good news and I have bad news. The good news is 1 of the 5 batches seems to be working..
    The bad news is that there will only be 11 macarons.. More good news? Megan made macaroons which are apparently not the same as macarons (which are like the pretty patties from spongebob.)

    1. We embrace failures here in CW2. It means you're doing something.

    2. Is there a prize for most rough drafts? I'd win that

  19. This opening number is going to be awesome. 18 lines, singing and sorta rapping, but mostly singing, and I can't sing, but I don't care because I'm proud of things I make and this is CW2 and these Noscars are the most important thing we've done.

    I thought for a minute that this was fluff. We were wasting time, this was all a joke, but I don't feel that way now. This is the sort of thing CW2 should be. A class project. With a bunch of little mini projects. Collaboration. A team of creative people creating a show together. Brainstorming, building the ship as we fly it, changing our minds and coming up with new ideas.

    This is creativity at its finest.

    1. And I hope I mess up tomorrow. And I hope there's improv and memorable speeches and a bunch of mistakes. Because creativity is messy and mistakes are part of the process and really it comes down to this:

      A huge part of this class is learning how to be COMFORTABLE. Feeling safe, feeling brave. This is so important when it comes to making things and sharing things. We need to feel comfortable in our own skin and we'll never be willing to take risks and make mistakes if we aren't comfortable.

  20. First of all I'm thrilled and second of all my mother has spent all day trying to talk me out of wearing this dress but I AM 18 AND I KNOW EVERYTHING so actually she can't and also I'm bringing banana bread.

    1. Can I borrow a dress I don't have one

    2. Why doesn't she want you to wear it? Does she think you'll look silly?

    3. Let me just note that picking prom dresses has never been a strength of mine so I'm just giving her fair warning (out of love)

  21. Is anyone bringing a camera cause if not I'm bringing my ghetto digital just in case. I'm just so excited guys

    1. I could bring my fancy cam just for you guys

    2. Okay thanks for reminding me haha I will charge it up right now!!!

    3. We should have multiple cameras.

    4. I agree. JJ you should most definitely bring yours too!!!!

  22. Natty and Annie are making awards with spray paint and everything. Holy crap.

  23. Mr nelson can we postpone the oscars.

  24. I really want to have them and we just got everything ready but i dont know. It doesnt feel right.

  25. So like I fully understand I graduated like two years ago and I should move on, but I'm still so sad CW2 didn't exist when I was around and I just read through all these comments and I'm really hoping you aren't serious about these being cancelled because I am SHOWING UP WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT. - Heather

    1. I think postponed is the better word. I'm thinking we'll do it next week.

      And Heather, you are CW2. You always will be. And you're always welcome here.

  26. Not sure what this has to do with anything, but my grandmother died today and I just found out and idk. It's been a rough day.

    Thanks, Nelson.

    1. That's terrible. I'm sorry. Not a good day.
