Friday, March 13, 2015

Day 21 - Show and Tell

Project #1: Fantastic. Diverse. Creative. Everything.

If You Really Knew Me
An Ode to Survival
In Class Performance


  1. Replies
    1. Dude. Isaac.

      I went to the Lacrosse game tonight at Corner Canyon. That was awesome (sorry you guys lost). That's the first Lacrosse game I've ever seen. I couldn't tell who was who, but I was judging talent. My top 3 players on LP were #2, #37, and #57.

      And hey, you're #37. You got skills homie. Good job.

    2. That Cameron Ure, me, and josh stout respectively. Yeah they are the best in the state, that sucked, there's always best time.

  2. I didn't show Hailey's video. I also didn't read JJ's post (I meant to do this as a class). If you didn't present something today, you can present next time (Tuesday). So don't let that F in Skyward get you down.

  3. Replies
    1. Your video was awesome. That should be an assignment. Get strangers to read your work. I loved it. #courage

    2. And I almost got choked up when everyone was saying "I want to live."

    3. it was so scary going up and talking to people but it was fun. but it turned out super good and i'm honored that you liked it.

  4. Replies
    1. Me neither. I showed my wife and kids the video and they thought it was the funniest thing ever. My daughter couldn't stop laughing.

  5. wow I'm pretty jealous I missed this day. everything was amazing guys. and I saw this picture of micah looking like nelson on Twitter and was so confused but now I get it hahahahahaha it was tooooooo good.

  6. im honored you took a pic of mine. i was actually pretty proud of myself lol

    1. I love that it was different. It wasn't something I suggested or even the class suggested. It was something you felt compelled to make.

  7. Tomorrow we'll turn in journals. I don't know how many pages should be done. We'll decide as a class. Maybe 10?

  8. Reminder for tomorrow:
    Find out what's going on with McCall and Abby N. and Saige's blogs.
